Czesław Niemen (Czesław Juliusz Wydrzycki) nasceu em Stare Wasiliszki (Old Vasilishki), uma aldeia na Bielo-Rússia, União Soviética, em 1939. Em 1958, foi repatriado para a Polónia.Foi um dos pioneiros da música psicodélica na Polônia comunista no final dos anos 60. Este é o seu primeiro trabalho progressivo. "Bema pamięci zalobny - rapsod" A Rhapsody Mournful, em memória de Jozef Bem, um soldado polonês que atuou como um general do exército polonês durante a Guerra da Independência polonês (November Uprising).
Como "Rhapsody", muitas das outras músicas de "Enigmatic" foram baseadas na poesia popular polonêsa. Durante seu período Niemen progressivo tocou teclados, inclusive um Hammond e, posteriormente, um mellotron e, finalmente, um sintetizador Moog.
No início dos anos 70 Niemen gravou três discos para a CBS Internacional (Schaelplatten), incluindo uma versão para Rhapsody Mourner com Jan Hammer e Rick Laird da Mahavishnu Orchestra, violino elétrico e saxofonista Michal Urbaniak do Fusion, o baixista do falecido Seldon Powell do Buddy Rich Band, e o pianista Don Grolnick. O álbum apresentou uma versão de quinze minutos de "A Rhapsody Mournful". Na década de 70 este trabalho musical de Niemen tendia mais para o jazz / fusion. Ele lançou sete álbuns e uma coleção retrospectiva antes de falecer de câncer em 2004.

Czesław Niemen (the real name is Czesław Juliusz Wydrzycki) was born in Stare Wasiliszki (Old Vasilishki), a village in Byelorussia, Soviet Union, in 1939. In 1958 he has repatriated to Poland. His scenical name is a pseudonym taken after the name of the river Niemen. Debuted as a rock and soul singer in the early 1960's. He recorded "Dziwny jest ten świat" (Strange Is This World) as a major Polish protest song in 1967, and was an early pioneer of psychedelic music in communist Poland in the late 60's. He recorded three albums with the band Akwarele, as well as later works with Enigmatic, Grupa Niemen, and Aerolit. His first self-acclaimed progressive work was entitled "Enigmatic", and was released in 1969. The most notable song from it was "Bema pamięci żałobny - rapsod" (A Mournful Rhapsody, in memory of Jozef Bem, a Polish solider who served as a Polish Army general in the Polish War of Independence (November Uprising).
Like "Rhapsody", many of the other songs from "Enigmatic" were based Polish folk poetry. During his progressive period Niemen played keyboards extensively, including a Hammond, and later a mellotron and finally a Moog synthesizer.
In the early 70's Niemen recorded three albums for CBS International (Schaelplatten), including a 1974 release entitled Mourner's Rhapsody with Jan Hammer and Rick Laird of Mahavishnu Orchestra, electric violin and saxophonist Michal Urbaniak of Fusion, bassist the late Seldon Powell of the Buddy Rich Band, and session pianist the late Don Grolnick. The album featured a fifteen minute version of "A Mournful Rhapsody". In the latter 70's Niemen's musical work tended more toward jazz/fusion, and even electronica. He released seven additional albums and a retrospective collection before he passed of cancer in 2004.
1. Bema pamięci żałobny rapsod (16:27)
2 .Jednego serca (7:37)
3. Kwiaty ojczyste (7:24)
4. Mów do mnie jeszcze (4:48)

Czesław Niemen - vocals, Hammond
Zbigniew Namysłowski - alto saxophone
Janusz Zieliński - bass
Tomasz Jaśkiewicz - guitar
Czesław "Mały" Bartkowski - drums
Zbigniew Sztyc - tenor saxophone
Michał Urbaniak - tenor saxophone, flute
Alibabki - choir
Romualda Miazga - choir director
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