Facilitando a vida dos visitantes aqui estão todos os links disponibilizados até o momento nas 4 pastas do 4Shared pelo blog, enjoy!
Vale lembrar que este blog não pretende de qualquer forma prejudicar bandas, artistas ou gravadoras, pelo contrário o objetivo é sempre divulgar e compartilhar diversão, cultura e educação.
Então se de alguma forma você se sentir prejudicado pelo blog, solicito que envie um email para (progrockcontramao@hotmail) que prontamente deleto o material escrito ou link. O mesmo vale para pedidos e sugestões.
Todos os álbuns aqui postados foram adquiridos de forma legal em vinil ou cd, em lojas especializadas, sebos ou com amigos e sugiro que após ouvir algo que goste procure comprar o original.
Divirtam-se e aproveitem o espaço que é nosso.
Márcia Tunes
Remember that this blog is not intended in any way injure bands, artists and record labels, rather the goal is to always disclose and share fun, culture and education.
So if somehow you feel harmed by blog, please send an email to (progrockcontramao @ hotmail) that promptly delete the written material or link. The same goes for requests and suggestions.
All albums posted here were purchased legally on vinyl or CD, in specialty stores, book stores or with friends and I suggest that after you hear something you like try to buy the original.
Have fun and enjoy the space that is ours.
Marcia Tunes
Para os Krautmaniacos
domingo, 30 de maio de 2010
sábado, 29 de maio de 2010
Friendship Time - same (1976) Suécia (Prog) NEW LINK

In a small town north of Stockholm, guitarist Stig JONSSON, bass player Martin CERHA, singer Enrico ADAMBROSI and drummer Thomas LOWGREN - all teens at the time - formed FRIENDSHIP TIME in the fall of 1970. With the departure of singer ADAMBROSI and the addition of second guitarist Dag MATTSSON, the band began to move away from their rhythm&blues background and, after hearing 'The Yes Album', turned to a more progressive path.
By 1975, after numerous personnel changes and with the help of producer C.G. Langensklold, FRIENDSHIP TIME eventually recorded an album that was slated for release in '76 on Virgin Records. Sadly, after recording the sessions and contracting artwork for the cover, band members were no longer working together and the project fell apart.
These recordings would have remained lost had TRETTIOARIGA KRIGET drummer Dag LUNDQVIST not discovered them at his home in or around 2005. With the help of Stefan Dimle of Paatos and Morte Macabre, the material was remastered and released on Mellotronen. FRIENDSHIP TIME reflected the best of the symphonic sounds of YES, FLASH and CATHEDRAL, and was a fine young band on the verge of breaking through the prog ceiling before its untimely demise.
1. Anonymiteten (8:30)
2. Engine (9:13)
3. Clouds (8:36)
4. Martins Lilla (3:01)
5. Ombadidilio (7:48)
6. Watersong (6:53)
7. Crawling Up (3:50)
Dag Mattsson - Electric and Acoustic Guitars
Kent Kroon - Electric and Acoustic Guitars
Leif Froling - Vocals
Martin Cehra - Electric Bass and Mellotron
Thomas Lowgren - Drums and Tubullar Bells
Susanne Sandstrom - vocals (3)
Track 1-5 recorded at Studio Decibel(1975)
Track 6-7 recorded at Studio Decibel(1976)
Remastered october 2006 and released in 2007 on Mellotronen Records(Mellocd 021)
domingo, 23 de maio de 2010
Necronomicon - Tips zum Selbstmord (1972) (German) (Krautrock)

Obra prima do genero, discaço! Sem grandes produções e tocado praticamente ao vivo em estúdio, é um álbum surpreendente, explosivo, estonteante! Recomendadissimo!
1. Prolog (7.32)
2. Requiem Der Natur (10.49)
3. Tips Zum Selbstmord (4.46)
4. Die Stadt (7.18)
5. In Memoriam (6.57)
6. Requiem Vom Ende (7.46)
1. Dem Frieden Und Den Menschen (10:18)
2. Wenn Die Haifische Menschen Wären (7:41)
3. Haifische, Gedanken (7:32)
4. Wiegenlied (8:32)
Walter Sturm - Guitar, Vocals
Norbert Breuer - Guitar, Vocals
Harald Bernhard - Drums
Bernhard Hocks - Bass, Vocals
Fistus Dickmann - Organ, Synth, Vocals
London Underground - Through A Glass Darkly (2003) (Italy) (Psychedelic/Space Rock/Progressive Rock)

Minha ideia era postar este disco logo após a postagem do disco homónimo postado anteriormente, mas por razões técnicas não foi possivel. As onze faixas (incluindo duas covers, Manfed Mann e Atomic Rooster) são muito melódica e harmônica com inundações de órgão Hammond e guitarra inspirado no velho e bom Pink Floyd. London Underground som como uma mistura de The Sixties, rock, psychedelic. A música é muitas vezes simples, mas com muito bom gosto.
1. End of the race (3:41)
2. Travelling lady (5:31)
3. Sermonette (4:14)
4. The days of man (4:06)
5. Analonihum (5:30)
6. A beautiful child (4:44)
7. Through a glass darkly (3:27)
8. Cryptical purple brown orcharde (3:51)
9. Can't fnid the reason (3:46)
10. Everything is coming to an end (3:13)
11. Another rude awakening (5:25)
Daniele Caputo - drums, lead vocals, effects
Stefano Gabbani - bass
Gianni Vergelli - acoustic and electric guitars
Gianluca Gerlini - Hammond C3, piano, wurlitzer, fender rhodes, mellotron, clavinet
segunda-feira, 17 de maio de 2010
Elf (1972) - em tributo a Ronnie James Dio!

Agora que um dos melhores vocalistas de todos os tempos se foi (em atividade desde 1958!!!), vamos prestar-lhe um tributo com o álbum de uma de suas primeiras bandas - o Elf. Nessa época, Ronnie James Dio ainda se chamava Ronald Padavona. Pra quem gosta de hard rock, o álbum de estréia do Elf é absolutamente perfeito, dá pra ouvir dá primeira à última faixa com um sorriso de satisfação. Rock and roll em sua essência. God Save Ronnie!
- "Hoochie Koochie Lady" – 5:32
- "First Avenue" – 4:23
- "Never More" – 3:50
- "I'm Coming Back For You" – 3:27
- "Sit Down Honey (Everything Will Be Alright)" – 3:48
- "Dixie Lee Junction" – 5:09
- "Love Me Like A Woman" – 3:47
- "Gambler, Gambler" – 4:26
link: http://migre.me/FQjA
sábado, 15 de maio de 2010
Cantina Sociale - cum lux (2009) Rock Progressivo Italiano

Cantina Sociale é um novo grupo italiano. O line-up é: Rosalba Gentile (teclados), Elio Sesia (guitarras, baixo e violino), Iano Nicolo (vocal), Gianni Grasso (saxofones, baixo), Carla Viarengo (saxofones, backing vocals), Marina Gentile (guitarra) Graziano e Viola (bateria). A música é mais similar aos grupos dos anos setenta, mas existem algumas influências modernas.
O álbum de estreia "Balene (qualcosa c'è di piu)" foi lançado em 2002. É um bom álbum com um som de teclado vintage em destaque e tem bom uso do sax no álbum. O grupo tem um bom cantor no Iano Nicolo que dá ao vocal alguma sensação teatral. Ele também é o compositor do grupo. É a forte influência mediterrânica que os diferencia de muitas outras novas bandas italianas. Este é o seu segundo trabalho de estúdio "Cum Lux" lançado em 2009.
1 . Unonessunocentomila (6:55)
2. Goccia (8:02)
3. Il Popolo Dei Coriandoli (6:51)
4. 7 Piccoli Indiani (11:01)
5. Kantele (7:26)
6. Cum Lux (20:36)
7. Luce (2:51)

- Iano Nicolò / lead vocals, percussion
- Marina Gentile / guitars
- Rosalba Gentile / keyboards
- Carla Viarengo / sax, vocals
- Marco Trissini / drums
- Gianno Grasso / bass, sax
- Elio Sesia / guitars, bass
Parte 1
Parte 2
sábado, 8 de maio de 2010
TAI PHONG - same (1975) Symphonic Prog • France

Taï Phong is a bit of an oddity, as it is a French band founded by Vietnamese brothers Kahn and Taï Ho Tong. The sound is comparable to Camel, and Novalis, but the most telling description is 'France's answer to Barclay James Havest.'
The first incarnation came together in 1972, and included an American and a German (keep telling yourself this is a French band). They were in the process of recording, when contract disputes broke out. Because the brothers refused the terms (thus leaving them without a deal), the other two members left. Soon after, they would be replaced by keyboardist Jean Alain Gardet, and the now famous (or infamous) Jean-Jacques Goldman. Yes, he is the man responsible for several of Céline Dion's hits (does this mean that Céline is prog related? Say it ain't so).
In 1973, they again entered the studio. However, more artistic disputes, and contract haggling, with recording executives would keep them from releasing anything for the next couple of years. By 1974, they had a contract they could live with, but still needed a drummer. They chose 17 year-old Stéphan Caussarieu. The classic lineup of Taï Phong was now complete, and would remain intact for the first two albums. This was also a potent combination of talent and ego.
After the release of 1976's "Windows," some of the members branched out. Jean-Jacques dabbled in some solo work, and Gardet recorded an album with Alpha Ralpha. It is during this period that trouble started brewing. "Windows" did not sell very well, and the band spent all the money from the first album on a new sound system. Goldman did not wish to perform live, which was a serious problem considering his contribution to the band's sound. This disheartened Jean Alain, causing him to exit. The band went on tour in 1977 with bassist Michael Jones also taking over lead vocal, but it just wasn't working. They decided to cancel any remaining shows, and just concentrate on studio work. This is the moment when brother Taï left.
After much turmoil, they released 1979's "Last Flight," but the magic was gone. By 1980 interest in the band was waning, and they were in yet another contract dispute. Rather than push ahead with a fourth album, the band broke up.
Over the years the interest in Taï Phong's music went up and down. This is largely due to the song "Sister Jane" resurfacing in one form or another. In 1993, reissues of the albums breathed new life into the story. Some of the guys got together, and the obvious talk of reunion came around. The main conspirators were Kahn and Stephan.
In 1995 they began work on new material, and shopped it around. Goldman was not interested in rejoining the band, so they found Herve Acosta to fill the lead vocal spot. Angelo Zurzulo had been a replacement keyboardist in the old days, and he was also tapped for the new project. It took a while, but the result was 2000's Sun.
H.T. Riekels (bhikkhu) http://www.progarchives.com/artist.asp?id=1384
Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Going Away (5:41)
2. Sister Janes (4:04)
3. Crest (3:25)
4. For years and Years (8:33)
5. Field of Gold (7:37)
6. Out of the Night (11:25)
7. ( if you're headed ) north for winter
8. let us play
Line-up / Musicians
- Khanh Mai / electric, acoustic & slide guitar, vocals
- Tai Sihn / vocal, bass, acoustic guitar, Moog
- Jean-Jacques Goldmnan / vocals, electric, acoustic guitar, violin
- Jean Alain Gardet / piano, organ, Moog, keyboards
- Stephan Caussarieu / drums, percussion
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sábado, 1 de maio de 2010
Nodo Gordiano - Flektogon 2009

Disquinho sensacional, imperdivel! Altamente recomendado!
1. Theatro Di Memoria: 8'08
2. Ozymandias Part I: 3'42
3. Avventure Di Mastarna: 30'16
4. Ozymandias Part II: 5'35
5. Zeitgeist: 5'23
- Andrea De Luca / bass, guityars, synths, sax, violin, percussion
- Carlo Fattorini / drums, percussion
- Silvia Scozzi / vocals
- Franco "Tatanka" Terralavoro / Sax, Flute
Download parte 1
Download parte 2
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