Vale lembrar que este blog não pretende de qualquer forma prejudicar bandas, artistas ou gravadoras, pelo contrário o objetivo é sempre divulgar e compartilhar diversão, cultura e educação.
Então se de alguma forma você se sentir prejudicado pelo blog, solicito que envie um email para (progrockcontramao@hotmail) que prontamente deleto o material escrito ou link. O mesmo vale para pedidos e sugestões.
Todos os álbuns aqui postados foram adquiridos de forma legal em vinil ou cd, em lojas especializadas, sebos ou com amigos e sugiro que após ouvir algo que goste procure comprar o original.
Divirtam-se e aproveitem o espaço que é nosso.
Márcia Tunes
Remember that this blog is not intended in any way injure bands, artists and record labels, rather the goal is to always disclose and share fun, culture and education.
So if somehow you feel harmed by blog, please send an email to (progrockcontramao @ hotmail) that promptly delete the written material or link. The same goes for requests and suggestions.
All albums posted here were purchased legally on vinyl or CD, in specialty stores, book stores or with friends and I suggest that after you hear something you like try to buy the original.
Have fun and enjoy the space that is ours.
Marcia Tunes
Para os Krautmaniacos
domingo, 31 de março de 2013
Björn Jason Lindh - Europa III, Bridges (1989)
Não achei a capinha do disco em boa resolução se alguém tiver e puder ceder agradeço muito, usei outra capa, apenas fiz um truque e retirei o nome do álbum e assim fica como uma foto do Björn, enjoy!
Björn J:son Lindh - Synthesizer, Flutes
Staffan Scheja - Grand Piano
Per Lindvall - Percussion
1. Across forever
2. Bridges
3. Night balloons
4. Habanera
5. Northern lights
6. La puerta
7. Rainbow shadow
8. Colombine
9. September children
10.Darmstadt goodbye
sábado, 30 de março de 2013
Fairfield Parlour - From home to home (1970)
Kaleidoscope / Fairfield Parlour biography
The English band KALEIDOSCOPE (not to be confused with American band KALEIDOSCOPE which existed at the same time and played basically psychedelic rock too) is an almost forgotten band from the late sixties and early seventies.
The band started its recording activities in 1967 as KALEIDOSCOPE, but the band was formed back in 1963 with the name THE SIDEKICKS and changed to THE KEY later. In the beginning, the line-up was Eddie Pumer on guitar, Steve Clark on bass and Danny Bridgman on drums, but they later needed a new vocalist and Peter Daltrey joined (he played keyboards too). They played local venues and released singles, but when they signed a contract with Phillips, they changed the name of the band and started playing their own psychedelic rock compositions instead of the covers they used to play before. The combination of Pumer's musical arrangements and Daltrey's lyrics was the main power of the group.
In 1967 was released their first album, 'Tangerine Dream'. The album comprises fine psychedelic songs with experimentations and arrangements like many of the top psychedelic and early progressive bands from that age (THE BEATLES, PINK FLOYD, THE MOODY BLUES). They got lots of airplay and recorded many BBC sessions, but didn´t sell well. They eventually released more singles, like 'Jenny Artichoke', which was a success, but sold poorly, and another album, 'Faintly Blowing'. It was released in 1969, showing a progression of it's predecessor in terms of sound. Although still psychedelic, the compositions were getting more progressive. The album unfortunately failed to chart.
They released a final single, 'Balloon', before changing the name to FAIRFIELD PARLOUR and becoming totally progressive oriented. The band didn't achieve success and they were unlucky at the time, failing to chart and having problems (including some sabotage) in all great gigs they had, including the famous Isle of Wight, which they were the responsibles for the 'Theme Song' of the festival (released under the name of I LUV WIGHT).
WHITE FACED LADY was their last album, recorded in 1971 partly with the help of Mike Pinder, from THE MOODY BLUES. The album was a conceptual double-album with many orchestral arrangements. The band had a deal with Vertigo at that time, but the responsible quit Vertigo and moved to CBS. So they were to release it on CBS, but CBS refused to release their album and it stayed shelved for twenty years, being released in 1991 by a label they created just to release the album, Kaleidoscope Records, under the name of KALEIDOSCOPE, although recorded under the FAIRFIELD PARLOUR encarnation of the band. The band split in 1972 due to the lack of results and luck (they were offered less than 20 dollars to play the last gigs). So this was the end of this great psychedelic and progressive rock band which had talent to be one of the major progressive rock acts of their age but died prematurely due to bad luck in the crucial moments. It is highly recommended because they were one of the first progressive rock bands that evoluted with the genre and made a fantastic work, mainly their excellent conceptual album 'White Faced Lady'. (ProgArchive)
- Peter Daltrey / vocals, piano, mellotron, harpsichord, organ, tambourine
- Eddy Pumer / vocals, classical, acoustic twelve string and electric guitars, mellotron, organ, harpsichord
- Steve Clark / bass guitar, flutes
- Dan Bridgeman / vocals, drums, pedal tympany, tubular bells, tambourine, bongos
1. Aries (3:23)
2. In My Box (2:03)
3. By Your Bedside (Love Below Sky) (2:36)
4. (Onward) Soldier Of The Flesh (3:40)
5. I Will Always Feel The Same (1:51)
6. Free (To Fly, To Drown, To Spill Milk) (4:20)
7. ... And Emily Brought Confetti (5:20)
8. Chalk On The Wall (1:07)
9. Glorious House Of Arthur (2:48)
10. Monkey (2:21)
11. Sunny Side Circus (2:47)
12. Drummer Boy Of Shiloh (3:17)
13. Just Another Day* (2:35)
14. Caraminda* (2:00)
15. I Am All The Animals* (1:02)
16. Songs For You* (1:19)
17. Medieval Masquerade* (2:37)
sexta-feira, 29 de março de 2013
POLYPHONY - Without Introduction - 1971 ( USA )
Bem este disco eu consegui recentemente e só achei assim dividido em duas faixas lado 1 e lado 2 do vinil original, mas na verdade fica dificil postar assim embora me pareça completo, enfim, mesmo assim vale a audição, otimo disco!
Martin Ruddy - bass, vocals
Christopher Spong - drums
Craig Massey - vocals, organ, moog
Glenn Howard - vocals, guitars
Chatty Cooper - percussion
quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2013
Simeon Shterev Quartet - same (1977) Jazz Fusion (Bulgaria)
Simeon Shterev - flute
Peter Slavov - drums
Theodossi Stoykov - bass
Mario Stanchev - acoustic & electric piano
On Charles Lloyd
Sunset - Sunrise
Bass Folksong
Senor Mouse
Simeon Shterev - flute
Peter Slavov - drums
Theodossi Stoykov - bass
Mario Stanchev - acoustic & electric piano
On Charles Lloyd
Sunset - Sunrise
Bass Folksong
Senor Mouse
quarta-feira, 27 de março de 2013
Masaru Imada Trio - Green Caterpillar (1975) Jazz
- Bass – Isoo Fukui
- Congas, Percussion – Yuji Imamura
- Drums – Tetsujiro Obara
- Engineer [Recording Engineer] – Yoshihiko Kannari
- Guitar – Kazumi Watanabe
- Lacquer Cut By [Cutting Engineer] – Tohru Kotetsu
- Piano – Masaru Imada
- Producer – Takeshi "Tee" FujWritten-By – M. Imada
Straight Flash
Blue Impulse
Spanish Flower
Masaru Imada Trio - Planet (1977) Jazz
Masaru Imada on piano
Kunimitso Inaba on bass
Tetsujiro Obara on drums
Yuji Imamura on congas & percussion
1. Planets
2. Blue Road
3. A Marionette
4. Sea's Pasture
5. Epilogue
Masaru Imada on piano
Kunimitso Inaba on bass
Tetsujiro Obara on drums
Yuji Imamura on congas & percussion
1. Planets
2. Blue Road
3. A Marionette
4. Sea's Pasture
5. Epilogue
quinta-feira, 21 de março de 2013
Julio Presas - Amaneciendo en la Cruz del Sur (1978) Prog Argentina
Altamente recomendado! Lindo álbum!
- Julio Presas / electric, acoustic, & bass guitars
- Carlos Cutaia / keyboards, piano, & string ensemble
- Carlos Riganti / drums & percussion
Marcelo Vitale / synthesizers
Alicia Presas / vocalizes
1. Amanciendo en la cruz del sur
2. Ronda al fin
3. La reunion
4. Siempre dependemos de la escuela
5. Porque perdimos pasion
6. Desconcertado estas
7. Orono de soledad
8. Tristeza Vienesa
9. Las suaves palabras
10. En un mar de silencio
Bonus tracks:
11. Lo que pudo ser
12. Apertura
13. Cierre
domingo, 17 de março de 2013
Arild Andersen - Clouds in my Head (1975) Jazz Norwegian
Clouds in My Head is the debut album by Norwegian jazz bassist and composer Arild Andersen recorded in 1975.
Arild Andersen - bass
Knut Riisnæs - tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone, flute
Jon Balke - piano
Pål Thowsen - drums
"305 W 18 St" - 3:49
"Last Song" - 3:09
"Outhouse" - 7:49
"Song for a Sad Day" - 7:02
"Clouds in My Head" - 3:26
"Cycles" - 6:14
"SIV" - 3:34
"The Sword Under His Wings" - 9:44
Arild Andersen - Shimri (1977) Jazz Norwegian
Shimri is the second album by Norwegian jazz bassist and composer Arild Andersen, recorded in 1976
Bass – Arild Andersen
Drums, Percussion – Pål Thowsen
Engineer – Jan Erik Kongshaug
Layout – Dieter Bonhorst
Photography By [Cover Photograph] – Lajos Keresztes
Photography By [Photograph] – Rune Myhre
Piano – Lars Jansson
Producer – Manfred Eicher
Tenor Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone, Flute [Flutes], Percussion – Juhani Aaltonen
sábado, 16 de março de 2013
Igor Wakhevitch - Logos (1970) Progressive Electronic • France
Primeiro e muito bonito álbum de Igor Wakhevitch. "Logos" é intenso, mescla a música clássica moderna com paisagens sonoras eletrônicas e rock psicodélico. O álbum começa como uma série cinematográfica, peças acústicas que podem ser descritos como uma pontuação para teatro ou espetáculo de dança contemporânea.
Igor Wakhevitch/keyboards, synthesizers
1. Ergon (3:59)
2. Mineral - Vegetal - Animal (4:40)
3. Homo-Sapiens Ignorabimus (4:43)
4. Initiation I (2:43)
5. Initiation II (6:28)
6. Delirium (2:23)
7. Danse Sacrale (6:08)
8. Point Omega (mort ou resurrection) (2:03)
quarta-feira, 13 de março de 2013
Univers Zero - Clivages (2010) RIO/Avant-Prog
- Michel Berckmans / bassoon, english horn, oboe, melodica
- Kurt Budé / clarinet, bass clarinet, alto sax
- Pierre Chevalier / keyboards, glockenspiel
- Daniel Denis / drums, percussion, sampler
- Dimitri Evers / electric and fretless bass
- Andy Kirk / guitar (2, 5), percussion (2)
- Martin Lauwers / violin
- Nicolas Denis / drums (10)
- Philippe Thuriot / accordion (1, 10)
- Aurelia Boven / cello (10)
1. Les Kobolds (4:15)
2. Warrior (12:10)
3. Vacillements (3:35)
4. Earth Scream (3:11)
5. Soubresauts (7:59)
6. Apesanteur (3:40)
7. Three Days (5:53)
8. Straight Edge (13:57)
9. Retour de Foire (7:42)
10. Les Cercles d'Horus (3:45)
- Michel Berckmans / bassoon, english horn, oboe, melodica
- Kurt Budé / clarinet, bass clarinet, alto sax
- Pierre Chevalier / keyboards, glockenspiel
- Daniel Denis / drums, percussion, sampler
- Dimitri Evers / electric and fretless bass
- Andy Kirk / guitar (2, 5), percussion (2)
- Martin Lauwers / violin
- Nicolas Denis / drums (10)
- Philippe Thuriot / accordion (1, 10)
- Aurelia Boven / cello (10)
1. Les Kobolds (4:15)
2. Warrior (12:10)
3. Vacillements (3:35)
4. Earth Scream (3:11)
5. Soubresauts (7:59)
6. Apesanteur (3:40)
7. Three Days (5:53)
8. Straight Edge (13:57)
9. Retour de Foire (7:42)
10. Les Cercles d'Horus (3:45)
terça-feira, 12 de março de 2013
segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2013
Neu - Neu (1972) Krautrock
Neu! é uma das mais famosas bandas de Krautrock, atendendo a pedidos aqui esta o primeiro álbum da banda, enjoy!
domingo, 10 de março de 2013
domingo, 3 de março de 2013
David Fiuczynski with HeadLess Torsos - Amandala (2001)
Fuze tem um domínio assustador de seu instrumento, controle requintado de tom e virtuosismo desumano, o cara toca muito! Excelente álbum
Personnel: David "Fuze" Fiuczynski: guitar; Fima Ephron: bass; Daniel Sadownick: percussion; Gene Lake: drums.
Torsos Jungle
Shannon's Kitchen
My Heavy Heart
Fallout Shelter
Cherry Red
Pattern 178
Kiss That Whispers
Fuze tem um domínio assustador de seu instrumento, controle requintado de tom e virtuosismo desumano, o cara toca muito! Excelente álbum
Personnel: David "Fuze" Fiuczynski: guitar; Fima Ephron: bass; Daniel Sadownick: percussion; Gene Lake: drums.
Torsos Jungle
Shannon's Kitchen
My Heavy Heart
Fallout Shelter
Cherry Red
Pattern 178
Kiss That Whispers
sábado, 2 de março de 2013
Edward Bear - Eclipse 1970 (Canadian Rock)
Danny Marks: Vocals, Guitar, Steel Guitar, Banjo, Background Vocals
Paul Weldon: Vocals, Piano, Peyboards, Background Vocals
Larry Evoy: Vocals, Drums
01. Four Months Out To Africa (3:12)
02. Chris' Song (6:21)
03. You Can't Deny It (4:39)
04. Pickering Tower (2:55)
05. T-1 Blues (3:21)
06. Pirate King (3:20)
07. Long Forgotten Day (4:55)
08. Monday (5:38)
Edward Bear - Bearings 1969
Edward Bear - Eclipse 1970
Edward Bear - Edward Bear 1971
Edward Bear - Close Your Eyes 1973
The Tales of Edgar Allan Poe - a syNphonic collection

Download parte 1
Download parte 2
1. Marco La Muscio - Intro
2.Senogul - The Black cat
3.La Théorie des Cordes - A descent into the Maelström
4.Oracle - Tall Tale Heart
5.N.O.T. - The Sphinx
6.Dunwich - The Oblong Box
7.Guy Leblanc - The Oval Portrait
8.Jinetes Negros - The Masque of the Red Death
1.Jukka Kulju - The Purloined Letter
2.Anima Morte - The Premature Burial
3.Blank Manuscript - The Gold Bug
4.Areknames - Hop Frog
5.Little Tragedies - The Man of the Crowd
6.Armalite - The Murder of the Rue Morgue
7.Chansonoir - Ligeia
8.Magnetic Sound Machine - The cask of Amontillado
9.Daal - The Fall of the House of Usher
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