
Vale lembrar que este blog não pretende de qualquer forma prejudicar bandas, artistas ou gravadoras, pelo contrário o objetivo é sempre divulgar e compartilhar diversão, cultura e educação.

Então se de alguma forma você se sentir prejudicado pelo blog, solicito que envie um email para (progrockcontramao@hotmail) que prontamente deleto o material escrito ou link. O mesmo vale para pedidos e sugestões.

Todos os álbuns aqui postados foram adquiridos de forma legal em vinil ou cd, em lojas especializadas, sebos ou com amigos e sugiro que após ouvir algo que goste procure comprar o original.

Divirtam-se e aproveitem o espaço que é nosso.
Márcia Tunes
Remember that this blog is not intended in any way injure bands, artists and record labels, rather the goal is to always disclose and share fun, culture and education.

So if somehow you feel harmed by blog, please send an email to (progrockcontramao @ hotmail) that promptly delete the written material or link. The same goes for requests and suggestions.

All albums posted here were purchased legally on vinyl or CD, in specialty stores, book stores or with friends and I suggest that after you hear something you like try to buy the original.

Have fun and enjoy the space that is ours.
Marcia Tunes

Para os Krautmaniacos

Visite meu novo blog totalmente dedicado ao Krautrock, divirta-se! Curta, comente, compartilhe!

Visit my new blog devoted entirely to Krautrock, enjoy, comment, share!

quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2016

Philip Catherine - Babel (1980)

 - Philip Catherine - guitars, guitar synthesiser, vocoder
 - Jean Claude Petit - Keyboards and synthesisers
 - Andre Ceccarelli - drums and percussions
 - Jannick Top - electric bass

String Quartet:

- Pierre-Yves Defayes (violin)
- Roger Berthier (violin)
- Pierre Llinares (viola)
- Hervé Derrien (cello)
The Voices of Isabelle and Janet Catherine

Recorded at Davout Studio Paris 1980

1. Babel
2. Janet
3. Riverbob
4. Spirale
5. Philip a Paris
6. Magic Ring
7. Dinner Jacket


Philip Catherine - Septembre man (1974)

Philip Catherine - guitars
Palle Mikkelborg - trumpet
Jasper Van't Hoff - piano and organ
Charlie Mariano - saxes and flutes
John Lee - bass
Gerry Brown - drums

Nineteen Seventy Fourths
September Man
When it is
Monday 13


Philip Catherine - Guitars (1975)

Philip Catherine - guitars, banjo, piano
Charlie Mariano - saxophone
Jasper Van't Hof - piano
John Lee - bass
Gerry Brown - drums
Rob Franken - strings
Recorded at Morgan Studios Brussels August / September 1975
This album is dedicated to Miles Davis.

We'll find a way
Five thousand policemen
Sneezing bull
Moss and weeds


sábado, 14 de maio de 2016

Jon Lord - Beyond the Notes (2004) Video



Style: Prog Related
Country: United Kingdom
Video XviD, 1035 kbps, 720x416, 25 fps
Audio ATSC/A-52 Dolby AC-3 Codec, 448 kbps, 48000 Hz, 5 Channels

Track Listings:
01. Sunrise/Picture Within
02. Sarabande
03. I’ll Send You A Postcard
04. Cologne Again
05. Pavane
06. Gigue
07. A Smile When I Shook His Hand / Here Comes The Sun
08. One From The Meadow
09. Unsquare Dance
10. November Calls
11. The Telemann Experiment
12. The Sun Will Shine Again
13. De Profundis
14. Bournee

Jon Lord / piano, organ
Mario Argandona / percussion, guitar, vocals
Urs Fuchs / bass
Paul Shigihara / guitars
Matthias Kraus / keyboards
Bert Smaak / drums
Susanne Heitmann / flute, clarinet
Sabine Van Baaren / vocals, percussion
Emilia Amper / keyed fiddle
Miller Anderson / vocals
Sam Brown / vocals
Frida / vocals
