Acompanhado por sua banda, The Savages, ele começou saindo de um caixão preto. Outros adereços incluídos punhais e facas, caveiras e "órgãos". Uma figura rarissima!!
O som é curioso e interessante principalmente pelos integrantes da banda, começando por Jimmy Page e Jeff Beck, raridade da boa! Recomendo!!!
Track listing:
"Wailing Sounds" (Page/Sutch)– 2:38
"'Cause I Love You" (Bonham/Edwards/Page/Sutch) – 2:46
"Flashing Lights" (Page/Sutch) – 3:14
"Gutty Guitar" (Sutch) – 2:33
"Would You Believe" (Cee) - 3:20
"Smoke and Fire" (Sutch) - 2:38
"Thumping Beat" (Page/Sutch) – 3:07
"Union Jack Car" (Page/Sutch) – 3:03
"One for You, Baby" (Sutch) – 2:44
"L-O-N-D-O-N" (Sutch) – 2:56
"Brightest Light" (Cee/Sutch) - 3:57
"Baby, Come Back" (Page/Sutch) - 2:31
Jimmy Page – Acoustic, and electric guitar, backing vocals, producer
Jeff Beck - Electric guitar (track: "Gutty Guitar")
John Bonham – drums, percussion, backing vocals
Nicky Hopkins - Piano, keyboards
Kent Henry - Guitar
Noel Redding - Bass guitar
Rick Brown - Bass guitar
Daniel Edwards - Bass guitar
Martin Kohl - Bass guitar
Carlo Little - Drums (track: "Gutty Guitar")
Bob Metke - Drums
Tommy Caccetta - Engineer
Lord Sutch and Heavy Friends (1970)
Hands of Jack the Ripper (1972)
Alive and Well (Live, 1980)
Jack the Ripper (Compilation, 19??)
Rock & Horror (Compilation, 1982) Ace Records CDCHM 65
Story/Screaming Lord Sutch & The Savages (Compilation, 1991)
Live Manifesto (Live, 1992)
Murder in the Graveyard (Live, 1992)
Raving Loony Party Favourites (Compilation, 1996)
Monster Rock (Compilation, 2000)
Midnight Man (EP, 2000)
Munster Rock (Compilation, 2001)
The London Rock & Roll Show DVD ASIN: B00007LZ56
Screaming Lord Sutch