Banda Hungara, altamente recomendada! Todos os álbuns da banda são excelentes, este é um dos que não podem faltar em qualquer boa discoteca de progressivo.
Very important band from the rich Hungarian prog scene which makes a very complex and moody music. There is a huge variety in their music among their discography. Some albums are very dark, yet beautiful, with a calm atmosphere provided by cellos and violins among moody keyboards and guitars. Other albums hold a more consistent sound where you'll find ELP influences (mainly on the Hammond passages).
Really original ! "De Profundis" always offers a refined blend of classical and folk, but the singing and some light pop accents (use of drums) evoke FLAIRCK. This is classical chamber rock, delicate and peaceful. Definitely a must in any prog rock collection.
1. Bevezetes (3:39)
2. Modern Idök (7:36)
3. Az Üstökös (1:43)
4. Stalker (12:12)
5. Stonehenge (4:34)
6. Külvarosi Ej (3:34)
7. Manok Tanca (5:00)
8. Kifulladasig (5:18)
9. De Profundis (11:29)
a) Eras...
b) Non est via
c) "Jecisti me in profund..."
d) Ego sum via, veritas et via
10. Jonas Imaja (2:24)
11. Elveszett Varos (1:56)
12. Kisvasut (2:03)
13. Esküszegök (8:13)
14. 40 Masodperc (0:40)
15. A Vilag Vegen (3:41)
Total Time: 74:02
- Gabor Egervari / flute, voice
- Lazlo Gacs / drums, percussion
- Tamas Gorgenyi / lead vocals
- Peter Pejtesik / bass, cello, lead vocals, vocals
- Ferenc Torma / guitars, synthesizer, vocals
- Balazs Winkler / keyboards, trumpet
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